Monday, July 16, 2012

What Can WE Do?

Isn't this great?! 

I just had to share. 

If there is any good to be found in a situation so difficult and not so good, it is that it opens up an opportunity for people to love and help, care and share of their time, talents and efforts in any way that they can. 

As we all wait for little Cordelia to receive a new liver, people are stopping, moved by the situation and asking a very important question, "What can I do?"

Life is crazy...all of the craziness and chaos we see in the world can be overwhelming, and I admit that at times it seems like there is nothing one person can do when the mess of the world is so big. 

But that couldn't be further from the's the little things, in our own sphere of influence that make a big difference in someone else's life. 

As a former English teacher I'm a sucker for a good quote from a classic British author, particularly Mr. William Wordsworth. Here is what he had to say about being kind and generous and doing what we can do...

The best portion of a good man's life - his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.  ~William Wordsworth

So, one of Cliff's friends, Jonathan (his dad and our dad go way back, actually) keeps asking "What can I do?" (We are grateful to him for setting up the online donation site as well!) Today the answer led him to order this sticker and stick it on the back of his car...I say, "That Rocks!!" 

I love all the people asking "What can I do?" People are offering baskets for the fundraiser, and services, and time and donations. Several women that Cliff worked with for a relatively short period of time have stepped up in BIG ways to help organize and plan the upcoming benefit (thank you Cindi and Angela and everyone else who has had a hand in the organizing thus far).

One of Dani's closest friends is going through the somewhat rigorous process of being tested to be a living donor...That rocks pretty big too! 

There are some wonderful people at Cliff and Dani's church who continue to call them, and us and offer whatever they can...That is the beauty of fellowship within a church body. 

These examples, they are just the beginning of a long list...a list that will continue to grow. 

So, as hard as all of this is, we are all being offered the blessing of seeing a side of humanity that isn't always highlighted on the evening news or in our local papers-- the kindness, the compassion, the passion and the generosity of the human spirit. 

I love that. 

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