Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A New Fundraising Site

Fundraising is a critical part of the journey that many families must explore when faced with unexpected medical challenges like Cliff, Dani and Cordelia are currently facing. While many of the hospital costs are covered through insurance (a blessing), there are so many other costs that I had never even considered before finding out about Cordelia's condition.

Things like hotel rooms and a rental car when they first traveled to Cincinnati. Cliff and Dani have both been driving quite modest vehicles that were, quite frankly, both on their last legs. One of them (the Jeep, I think?) was so far on it's last leg that it actually died on them while they were returning their rental car to the airport (they'll probably cringe that I'm telling you this story, but it is a testament to how modestly they were trying to live). Inevitably they need a new car...but their baby's health takes first priority right now. 

Both of them have had to take a leave of absence from their jobs...leaves that are  unpaid. This decision, while necessary, leaves them living on savings and...donations. 

Once Cordelia has her transplant surgery a whole other host of uncovered costs will be introduced-- in home health care, a host of medications and equipment, and many, many other things that we can't even anticipate at this point. 

For all of those reasons we are in the process of planning a fundraiser in September and a good family friend (Jonathan) has graciously worked to set up an online donation site. Many of you will notice that the the web address of the donation site has recently changed. Jonathan set up this new site (the link is the right column) for several reasons, but mostly because the site (@ Indiegogo) is more comprehensive-- It allows you to upload pictures and video, see comments and even make donations with a credit card.

All of the donations from the Chip In site (close to $2,500! Thank you!!) have been deposited into a local credit union for Cliff and Dani. We will pick up where we left off in striving to reach  $5,000 before the September fundraiser. Just a note about donations-- if you donate a minimum of $20 to the site you will be given free admission to the fundraiser (your name will be automatically added to a list that will be held at the door). 

All that said, we hope that you will all come out to the fundraiser in September and, in the meantime, if you would like to donate to help Cliff and Dani out with their current costs you can do so by clicking the donation link in the right hand column of the blog page or by clicking here (if you are reading this as an email). 

Thank you all for all you've already done and contributed. The support is greatly appreciated.

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